netFormulary NHS
North East and North Cumbria
ICS Formulary

Looking for STIRIPENTOL caps 250mg500mg found 0 matches, a search for alternative matches has been performed and any results found are shown below.

Possible Matches... BNF Category
Sotrovimab  (Xevudy®) - Formulary COVID-19 therapeutics 05.03.06
Steriflex 165®  - Formulary Parenteral preparations for fluid and electrolyte imbalance 09.02.02
Stiripentol  (Category 3) - Formulary Control of epilepsy 04.08.01
Streptokinase  - Formulary Fibrinolytic drugs 02.10.02
Streptomycin  - Formulary Antituberculosis drugs 05.01.09
Streptozocin  - Formulary Other antineoplastic drugs 08.01.05